Are microfibres a mega problem?


IMG_6F41A161870E-1I sat down with Cordelia Roberts, recent Marine Biology and Oceanography graduate from Plymouth University, to talk about her remarkable research on plastic microfibres in the ocean. The topic of her study is very timely and she is aiming to publish her results in a high ranking journal.

What are microfibres?

“Microfibres are a fibrous division of microplastics, less than 5mm in size. Every time you put a wash on, more than 1900 microfibres per garment can released into the wastewater.”

What clothes produce the most microfibres?

“Depends on what the garment is made of. If it is made up of cotton fibres that go into the environment, it won’t be so bad, because they will degrade eventually over time. But cheap clothes are the worst culprits because they’re not made as well so the fibres come loose really easily. If possible, you should buy long lasting good quality…

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